Sunday, January 20, 2008


WOW!!! Are these Navy Seals in training???
This is one of the certification programs with Russian, Paval Tsatsouline
Master of Sports and former Soviet Special Forces instructor, currently a Subject Matter Expert to elite units of the US military and law enforcement. Pavel makes his 'low tech/high concept' strength programs available to civilians.
Can you just imagine the testosterone?

Well you don't have to be a macho man to exercise with kettlebells these days.
KettleBells seem to be taking off in popularity. Different styles of KettleBells are now made in different colors. I've also noticed them in the catalogs for chiropractors and physical therapists. KettleBells are no longer for "macho" guys like the ones in the video who grunt and sweat while swinging balls of iron around. Now we see dainty young women working out with pink or yellow plastic covered kettlebells while they perform cardio or core exercises. These exercises co not require alot of room to do the basic swings. In the following video, a woman is performing a basic move in her backyard. I do suggest, however, I do not recommend this exercise if you have spinal problems. Please check with your physician before undertaking this exercise.

Loading your muscles over time builds stamina, balance and endurance. The body will then be able to tolerate activities of daily living with ease. Instead of laboring up the stairs and getting out of breath, you become able climb stairs with ease and energy. The ballistic nature of kettlebells produces the power, strength, and stamina to easily get through the day. Raising the kettlebell over your head repeatedly uses all your muscles and cardiovascular endurance. There are no separate exercises because the butt, abs, legs, and arms will get worked at the same time. 15-20 minutes a day is all that is needed to give your body a great workout. Just with five minutes of swings a day you will start to see and feel changes in your body.
This is one exercise routine that is worth trying since it produces fast results and takes just a few minutes. There are also certification classes for both men and women if you start really getting into conquering the KettleBell. At the very least, it would be a great option to add to your selection of exercise routines.

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