Thursday, February 28, 2008

Take The Knots and Kinks Out Of Your Muscles

During these winter months, I've felt my body tighten up. In going out in the cold, I naturally constrict my body. Consequently, I don't feel as loose as I would like to. Sometimes the tissue around the muscles (fascia) gets knotted up or sticks to the muscle fibers. This causes the muscles to tighten and/or lose the normal motion that is supposed to exist in the fibers. Circulation and oxygen is also decreased due to restricted motion. For this problem, we often recommend massage therapy or a technique called Myofascial Release. If we cannot afford to pay for this treatment or do not have the time, "Self-Myofascial Release" can be performed with a foam roller. I have taken these videos from YouTube that can demonstrate how to go about this. These videos are somewhat slow but once you learn the technique, its yours.
If you have a particularly tender point and you work it really well to loosen it, you may want to apply a cold pack for 15-20 minutes afterward to reduce any inflammation and increase circulation and faster healing.

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