Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I'm Stressed And Don't Have The Energy To Workout

Does that sound familiar? The majority of us live a hurried life. Our schedules do not allow much time to just be still because there are too many "shoulds" on our to-do list. Then if we do take some time to relax, we feel guilty or feel we are behind on our schedule.

I found myself in this "state" this last weekend. Life had been going so fast that I was losing track of what day it was. Finally, even though I was tired and would've loved to sit in my recliner in front of the TV, I decided to take my dog for a walk in the park. While at the park, I managed to stop at various places to stretch my legs. I thought I would be more tired but I was actually feeling better. I decided I had done enough for the day and decided to go to bed early and do some reading. But first... I took a Melatonin tablet. I had read an article about how staying up late and stress depleted Melatonin from the body so I decided to give it a try. To my surprise, I had the strangest dream which seemed to last a long time. (It could have lasted a few minutes but seemed to go on an on.) It was not a nightmare but seemed to engage me in a way that I did not get the rest I was looking to get. Anyway, I know that everyone is different and would have a different experience from Melatonin. I must caution you that you may not get the rest you need.

What I know will work for me to get me totally relaxed is a warm bubble bath, some mild stretches while in the bathtub followed by a calcium/magnesium tablet. The stretches I do in the bath tub are the back of the legs, putting my arms through the ranges of motion, putting my neck through the ranges of motion, cat stretch and while kneeling with arm stretched upward I stretch the sides of the torso bending from side to side. This helps to work some of the kinks out of the muscles and gets my body ready to totally let go.

Learn effective stretches. Add some stretches to your survival kit to be performed as needed
by going here: http://www.myfitness24-7.com/category/155446

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