Thursday, April 5, 2007

More People With Belly Fat Than Ever

I have never seen so many people with fat accumulation around the belly. Could this be because of the kinds of foods that we are eating or just plain lack of exercise or both? And, yes I have noticed there are more diabetics than ever.

There is tons of research currently being done to try and ameliorate this problem. This is a complex problem because not only are we looking at diet and exercise but we also have to consider stress levels, hormones and medical histories.

However, exercise seems to handle a great deal of the problems dealing with belly fat and diabetes. A simple walking plan of three times a week can result in a reduction in belly fat and fat around the internal organs. This is a dangerous condition since it can also read to coronary disease. Following is a paragraph from an article I found in Journal of Applied Physilogy, Vol.99 of October 2005:
"Continued physical inactivity in a sedentary middle-aged overweight population led to significant gains in visceral abdominal fat over a relatively short period of time (6 mo). This finding emphasizes the high cost of continued physical inactivity for sedentary, overweight adults. Even a relatively modest exercise program, consistent with the activity recommendations from Centers for Disease Control and American College of Sports Medicine prevented significant increases in visceral abdominal fat."

Although the article refers to the middle-aged population, I believe that it also applies to the younger population since there is rampant obesity and diabetes there too.
I really wonder, "What are we doing to ourselves?" Has health and fitness been placed on the back burner to be prioritized sometime later when we have more time, when we feel like it,
when we are not so stressed, when we pay off our credit card debt, when we make more money, when we get the new workout outfit, etc. etc. etc.

I recommend that you start with as little as 8-10 minutes a day of some sort of exercise.
Try the exercise videos with short exercise segments designed for busy people who don't have time to exercise. Try walking, it is easy and just 20-30 minutes three times a week can bring you tremendous benefits.
C. Tiemann, D.C. -

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