Friday, April 13, 2007

Find Out How Pilates Can Help Diabetics

I frequently hear news reports on how diabetes is increasing worldwide. Diabetes and its complications is now one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The diabetic must be followed by a physician for precise doses of medication, diet, and regular blood sugar monitoring. With a doctor’s consent, a regular Pilates routine can help a diabetic become healthier, alleviate and/or improve postural imbalances, raise energy levels and prolong life. Without care a diabetic would be prone to infection, nerve damage, blindness, heart conditions and kidney failure.

Both Type I and Type II diabetics both have the problem of not being able to create energy from food. Type I requires daily insulin and Type II may or may not require daily insulin.

Due to the mind-body connection while performing the Pilates exercises, there will be a reduction in the level of stress hormones in the blood stream that tend to effect blood sugar. Another benefit of the Pilates exercises is greater body awareness. Form is emphasized when performing the exercises demanding that the mind concentrate on that movement. With regular practice there is a heightened body awareness and the ability to better control stress. The end result is that most people become more mindful of their bodies and take better care of themselves.

It is common for diabetics to have a deep abdominal weakness because of the abnormal glucose metabolism. Postural alignment of the trunk and organs will be impaired. The primary emphasis of the Pilates exercises is on core strengthening followed by postural and trunk alignment. This realignment and improved conditioning will help to prevent heart and kidney conditions and glucose metabolism will improve. The postural and spinal alignment will also create a “taller” appearance.

As a diabetic learns to live with all the physical and emotional effects of this condition, Pilates can also help in the management of this disease. Pilates is not a quick-fix routine but rather a partner that goes with you on a journey into knowing your body and your mind. While Pilates can be excellent for improving fitness and/or for rehabilitation, what it has to offer is so vast, I believe that it can deliver far more than that.

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